...and its about Malifaux? That surprises me since I haven't played a game yet and my usual hobby activities center around GW. But I've delevoped the Malifaux bug and can't wait to play and increase my faction. I've chosen Rasputina mainly because her box set includes the Ice Golem. I've admired the model for quite some time and thought about using him as a Snow Troll for my Norse BB team or as a TreeKin for the Wood Elves. Glad I have him now and looking forward to seeing if he is as badass as he looks.
I never put much thought to painting scantly clad female figures - there are whole ranges of minis that are just that and serve no other purpose than to be painted and displayed. Must admit that Rasputina is a sweet chic and I really love how petit the model is. Makes my old Howling Banshees seem like amazon linebackers. I still need to work on her shading and highlighting. Never tried painting light lavender purple before and I think its going to take more effort before I'm satisfied with the results.
I still need to improve the snow on the bases. I used 2 coats of Gale Force Nine snow flock with white glue and it just didnt turn out very thick.
Another part of Malifaux that is really exciting is the all the special terrain an encounter calls for. Not sure where I want to start since there are so many pieces called out for. Might start with making some markers by printing out Ratty's designs onto formcore. I would like to start building some of the regular terrain pieces like the Hanging Tree or Soulstone Vein.